Standard Notes For Mac

Version APFS (November 02, 2018) New Features • Support for macOS 10.13.5 or higher. • Support for FileVault. • Support for Fusion Drives. • Deep Freeze no longer requires a computer restart to set volumes to Frozen mode. Restart only required to set the volumes to Thawed mode. • A user with an administrator account can manage Deep Freeze.

Standard Notes For Mac

Optionally, Deep Freeze passwords can be enabled. • ThawSpaces grow automatically as they are APFS volumes that do not require an administrator to allocate a specific amount of space. Note: Users should be set up as Standard users to avoid getting around Deep Freeze protection. Known Issues Disk Utility can be accessed by Admin or Standard users to add/delete/erase/mount/unmount APFS volumes. 24261 Unable to set Thawed volume to Frozen if there is not enough disk space left on volume. 24290 System kernel panics when performing OS update while the startup disk is Frozen.

Aug 4, 2018 - 6 Best Cross Platform Note Apps for Windows, Mac, iOS & Android. Standard Notes is one of the only note-taking apps that does come with. Aug 31, 2018 - That said, only one of the apps featured on this list (Standard Notes) had. IA Writer is on Windows for $19.99, macOS for $29.99, and iOS for. Download Standard Notes and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Fast, simple, and easy to use apps, on all your devices, including Mac and Web. Notes on a Mac will display drawings or annotations in notes created on your iPad or iPhone, but when it comes to creating new notes or editing existing ones, things are text-only. New features in.


24332 Frozen volume encrypted using FileVault doesn’t get reverted after computer restart. When enabling FileVault, ensure that the computer is in Thawed mode and do not set it to Frozen mode until the encryption has been completed. 24447 Windows OS can be installed/uninstalled using BootCamp On Frozen macOS 10.14 and changes are not reverted after reboot. 24540 Unable to add ThawSpace for user if volume with the same name already exists (add ThawSpace action fails). 24527 Unable to delete ThawSpace entry from ThawSpaces list after deleting/renaming it from Disk Utility.

25062 Expiry reminder window always shows „evaluation“ instead of „subscription“. Version (April 18, 2018) Note: This version does not yet support installation on APFS formatted volumes. MacOS High Sierra requires user consent in order to load kernel extensions like Deep Freeze. Fixes 23370 Resolved an issue where installing point releases of macOS 10.11 or greater on a system running Deep Freeze would cause the system to fail upon booting. Known Issues 11397 Two error dialog boxes are displayed when „Boot Thawed on Next“ option is blank and on clicking the Apply button. 7501 ThawSpaces are not created when a Custom Install Package is run which specifies the ThawSpaces.

(Case No: HEH-328-27445) 7582 Drive Icon in the dock does not show the Deep Freeze Mac Frozen badge. (Case No: DMJ-644-74392) Version (September 27, 2017) New Features • Support for macOS High Sierra 10.13.